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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hunger Strike

My name is Rob Richert and I am a music enthusiast.  Since I can remember I've been listening, orchestrating and composing music.  What started as a a few simple piano lessons at the age of 6 has turned into my life long hobby, passion and reason for living.  It has shaped  my past, and continues to shape my future.   It was not until a few years ago that I decided to make it my profession.   After graduating school with an A.A.S. in music production and engineering, I was greeted with the reality that the industry in which I went to school for was defiantly short of work and full of unemployed artists, producers and engineers striving to find a way to make a living in the industry that they trained to work in.   One thing is for sure,  My journey has had it's ups and downs, but certainly more downs then ups.  

I could go on and on about me, but that's not really what I'm here to do.  I'm here to share my passion for music with the world.  Music has a certainty of power that goes beyond listening, orchestrating, or composing.  On a daily basis it influences our thoughts, feelings and interactions with the world.  There is not one hearing person (given that you are not deaf) that can say that they have lived a day without hearing a song or piece of music.   Even if you neglect to turn on the T.V. or anything electronic for a day straight,  you can find music in your natural surroundings. Whether it's wind that blows through the trees or the rain that hits the pavement.  There is always a sense  of melody and rhythm in our every day lives.  

I'm extremely open to feedback, both positive and negative.  Don't hesitate to comment if you have a reflection that you wish to share, You can contact me on any of the links above, but for now I leave you with the song of the day.

Song of the day: 
It is not a rare occurrence for me to wake up with a song or piece of music repeatedly playing in my head.  Today that song was Trains, by Porcupine Tree.   Great song, and most fitting to the overcast weather we've had lately in Minnesota. 

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