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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Break of Reality

I've been doing a whole lot of listening as of late and I wanted to share some music that I consider to be excellent on many levels.  It was about a month ago when I was streaming Pandora on my phone when I was pleasantly introduced to a group of cellists  that go by the name, Break of Reality.   I was immediately drawn into their music after about 30 seconds of hearing their track, "Spectrum of the Sky".  What I was hearing was filled with great intensity, passion and flow.

After the track finished, I stopped what I was doing and sought after more of their music.  The group is composed of 3 cellists and a percussionist; Something that is not very common when listening to classical instruments.  They describe their music as "Cello Rock" and I think the title fits them accurately.  Their music has a very cinematic feel to it and you can definitely hear the rock influence in their pieces.  If you are a fan of cinematic film/game music,or even just a fan of rock music in general; You will appreciate this group and what they have to offer.

1 comment:

  1. Musical art form, the medium is sound, and silence. It includes pitch, rhythm, and dynamics. This is from the Greek word. Performance, and the creation of the definition of music vary according to culture and language of the soul.

