I've been doing a whole lot of listening as of late and I wanted to share some music that I consider to be excellent on many levels. It was about a month ago when I was streaming Pandora on my phone when I was pleasantly introduced to a group of cellists that go by the name, Break of Reality. I was immediately drawn into their music after about 30 seconds of hearing their track, "Spectrum of the Sky". What I was hearing was filled with great intensity, passion and flow.
After the track finished, I stopped what I was doing and sought after more of their music. The group is composed of 3 cellists and a percussionist; Something that is not very common when listening to classical instruments. They describe their music as "Cello Rock" and I think the title fits them accurately. Their music has a very cinematic feel to it and you can definitely hear the rock influence in their pieces. If you are a fan of cinematic film/game music,or even just a fan of rock music in general; You will appreciate this group and what they have to offer.